With this post, it my pleasure to state that you will read more frequently on radio & TV news form Turkey... According to the regulation which is issued on 23 December 2018 by the Supreme Council of Radio & Television there will be a tender on digital radio, FM & DVB-T2 in Turkey. In this post, I will concentrate on digital radio. According to the Item 27.1.b: "Sayısal radyo yayınları, ulusal ve ITU-R standartları ve teknik parametrelere uygun olarak Üst Kurulca belirlenecek teknik parametre ve standartlara göre yapılır." with my translation: "The digital radio broadcast will be made according to the technical parameters & standards stated by the Supreme Council, which will be decided accordingly to the national and ITU-R standards & technical parameters." From this statement it is not easy or even possible to find out the standard that will be chosen by Turkey. Actually there are more than one standard: DAB+ DRM+ DVB-T2 Li...